Saturday, 20 October 2012

“Life is beautiful ,just feel it and live it to fullest”

Life moves by dual factors – inner tendency and outer influences. Small actions can make big difference
in your and others life. Small actions like helping the person who is in need, appreciating others efforts. These small doings indicates about our maturity in Life.
                Life is also just like as an open air ,How much space you will give to developed mind set it will be more develop .suppose you are a friendly mind person and you can’t survive your life any day without meeting and talking people and walk in the park or market .Imagine that you have got a chance to live in single room and provided everything you need in your daily Life but you have to live alone for 15 days without an open sky environment and without  talking anyone .Will you be comfortable in that situation ? No, definitely no, none will; because when you live in close environment then your thinking is restricted to a limit .We don’t feel Free and our thinking ability decreases.

                                                                                        Look at a bird, whose is in customarily kept in a cage . when you try to bring the bird out from the cage ,then the bird scare and doesn’t come out from cage and goes back but when you try more than one n two times, then  Bird also tries to come out from Cage ,when he comes out to cage , it will not fly immediately since it starts thinking cage its home ,it doesn’t know about freedom .when it is left out of cage ,it comes to know about the World and what the Freedom is, once it come to know about the world it never come to the same place. Because then it comes to know the value of an open environment.
                                                                                                                       It’s very easy to say “BUSY” when someone Needs you ….but it’s very painful to Hear “BUSY” when you need someone .Albert Einstein told that our problems can’t be solved by the same level of thinking that created then . Is there a division between thinker and the thought? so long as they are separate ,divided ,our efforts is wasted ;we are pursuing a false process which is destructive and which is the deteriorating factor .we think thinker is separate from his thought when I find that I am greedy ,possessive ,brutal ,I think I should not be all this .
                                                                                                                                   In life when we live happily, we do every work, what we want to do with more enthusiasm and time goes too fast .In an Art Shop who will be more Happy to see an art ? Viewers or, shopkeeper. Shopkeeper thinks of selling an art in much more price,He has no interest in how beautiful the Art is. His eyes looks for those people ,who would buy in much more price instead of those who appreciates that art.  By Chanakya Before you starting some work; always ask yourself three questions ,
·         Why I am doing it .
·         What the results might be and
·         Will I be successful .
Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions ,go ahead .


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