Modi is not
dreaming to become PM but people want him to be PM .Advani is dreaming of being
PM but people don’t want him to be PM. This is the real problem. But after overall drama finally BJP has given
a great leader for this nation. We as Indian should be appreciated to BJP party
for decision.
Now every
supporters/fans should have to work for Modiji 272+ seats then we can get real happiness
in the country. We have given chances to congress party from last 60 years
to run country but still we people are struggling or fighting for own RIGHTS ,
Price inflations , Falling Rupees , Real
Freedom , security , Rape ,corruptions
,Black money Education and etc .
as country we don’t have required a politician but we required a good
administration who can represent our country in the well manner So, This is the
great time to people to come and give one chance for Modi . if people just hang onto past and doesn't let modi to be on the driving set than it would be the misfortune of this
nation that they missed an opportunity just because they don't want to see
strong leader .
Modiji , He
is the person who comes from small family backward caste background and when he was young that
time he was selling tea with his father in
the railway station of Gujarat . No one could understand one day this boy would
be nominated for PM from BJP Party.
There are many reasons to choose modiji as
Futuristic PM of country because he has seen people problem very closely and he
has great visionary IDEA’s, how to solve and fight for this problems????? The great evidence of Modiji work in Gujarat
.No riots from last 10 years and every community people are living safe. In
today’s Politics through the modiji style of work, Politics becoming completely
change. He has made politics with different manner and styles. That’s the result
many of the politicians trying to follow up Modi’s style of work.
Modiji is the
symbol of development, good governance and an honest leader .He doesn't believe
in bad politics. According to him Law is for everyone and everyone should have
to respect this law.
So humble request to everyone please come, join and raise
your voice and start campaigning for Modiji Vision for New India . Give vote to
BJP for (Modiji) and also tell to your relatives/friends and other community to
come once and see the changing the real India in the presence of Modiji Leadership.
Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!
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