Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Another Independence Day

Another Independence Day is on the way with a new hope and full of excitement. Most people are preparing to travel to enjoy with their near and dear one’s because of the long weekend. Another side to this are the “Great “Politicians readying to give big promises to Aam Aadmi (Common people) on this auspicious day. If I ask you, “why we celebrate this day? “ Then the most common answer would be that we got Independence from British rule after many long years of struggle. India is obviously free and Independent now even more so on paper. 

Sixty seven years of independence doesn't necessarily make any special or a big difference to the meaning of being truly independent. We proudly claim that we are independent from a foreign rule but we are still not free! How long will it take before each and every one of our citizen’s life is guaranteed? How long will it take to beat corruption? How long will it take to save our girls?  How long will it be before our Educational system improves? How long before we build a strong and powerful nation? How much longer will it take for us to realize the real meaning of freedom?

We tend to forget that Independence is not only living freely but also allowing others to live freely.  American Historian, will Durant once said "India will teach us the tolerance and gentleness of mature mind, understanding spirit and a unifying, pacifying love for all human beings’’ but the sad reality presently is completely opposite and it looks like people are more jealous, Intolerant and feeling of hatred  towards our fellow countrymen.

Post world war –II, The world’s two largest population Asian giants got Independence.  China got Independence a little late when compared to India but if we see India’s growth, especially in the last few decades, It doesn't come anywhere in the picture of China’s rapid growth. One thing is certain: China seems to be ahead of India in all economic and human development indices and whenever China gets chances it always turns them into productive opportunities. India must learn many things from China in terms of planning and speed of execution.

World Bank statistics show that higher education enrollment is a leading indicator of economic growth. As a result, 26% of China's university-age population is enrolled in an institution of higher education, versus 18% in India. The gap is really worrying.

In India where People worships Girls as a Creation of an embodiment of Goddess but in terms of rape cases it’s position comes third. In spite of the fact that some girls don’t complain because of fear or society and family prestige still according to National crime records bureau, crime against women have increased by 7.1 Percent since 2010. Nearly one in three rape victims in India is under the age of 18, one in 10 are under 14.every 20 minutes in India, a woman is raped which is shameful and requires urgent attention and steps to address the problem. 

India is planning to go ahead in the world map but if people are not healthy then how can we expect to grow. A Healthy country plays a vital role for Improvement of the economy. According to World Health organization ranking of the world’s Health systems; India ranks 112th whereas our Neighboring countries fare better than India eg. Bangladesh comes on 88th and where Sri Lanka comes 76th.

Education is a very important sector where Govt. has to give more focus
because a good educational system can support India’s development. The System of Higher Education in India is a mixture of several stark and contradictory realities. The reality is that India’s best Universities are run by the government and what is emerging now is that India’s smartest universities are in the Private Sector. Quality is a serious problem as no Indian University, with the exception of an IIT or two even features on the global ranking of Top 100 or Top 200 Universities of the world. In an increasingly globalized market this puts India and Indians at a serious disadvantage. 

Terrorism is a big challenge for the India and according to The Global Terrorism Index India’s position comes under four which is really a very shocking for a peace loving country.

On 12th August,  Two day before Pakistan’s Independence Day, Narendra Modi’s  message to Pakistan from Ladakh (Close to Pakistan border) is a good sign to fight against Terrorism because Pakistan is the hub of terrorist activities and almost all the terrorist attacks in India are factually linked to Pakistan and their Intelligence agency ISI only. The “Proxy “war and state sponsored violence by Pakistan must stop.

Finally, we need to ensure that PM Modi should put all these important issues as top priority for the Nation when he will address us from Red Fort on 15th August 2014 and especially because Narendra Modi has been sworn-in as the Prime Minister of India with high expectations. 1.25 billion Indians are watching his every move with anticipation and hope. In most of his post-victory speeches, Modi has promised to make 21st century as India’s time to regain Her past Glory and further grow to the very top.

We are now an independent country, but we should not confuse independence with freedom. What an irony: the country is independent, but the society we live in is still not free.  Freedom, like Success, is a journey; an on-going process. There are some other sectors too where we also have to focus on for Development because for everything we can’t blame the Government. There are certain things where we must follow in our everyday routine to make a nation more comfortable and the civil society must take the lead and play a proactive role.

  Take a pledge to

  • Keep the environment clean and hygienic
  • Use water efficiently and save water via rain harvesting
  • Save Trees and Plants
  • Respect People especially Elderly, women and children and participate in their safety,
  • Be Eco Friendly.
  • Respect all Religions and Realize that God is Truly One.

If these details are attended to then we as an Indians can be sure that one day our Nation once again will become a super power in world affair and be looked at as a role model for all of humanity. 

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