Monday, 29 February 2016

Union Budget 2016 : People's Expectations

 Every budget is a creature of the context in which it is made. It assumes more importance because when the BJP led NDA govt. took over in May 2014, they announced a series of positive steps for the Common man,
It is that time of the year when everybody is hoping that NDA led Central Govt. will deliver the Promise of ''Achchhe din'' (Good news), as every sections of the civilisations has more expectations than never before from the budget. As am not an economist nor an authorised person to accept my views in the world of high finance but as a citizen have many expectations from govt. in upcoming union Budget 2016-17, which will be launch within few hours from now by Finance Minister Arun Jaitely.

The Previous union budgets saw the NDA led Central government in a bid to boost investment and economic growth, took some of the tough promises to maintain the economic growth rates. However, many of the promises that the govt. still have to deliver. While the Countdown for upcoming Union Budget 2016-17 has begun and govt. has lot more challenges to maintain the progress of economic growth. As am agree that govt. can't be fulfil everyone's expectations but announcement must be people friendly.
 India is on its way to evolving a superpower by 2020 and accordingly profile of the budget should be focus centric on India's economy growth. Overall, Budget must focus on people friendly and economic friendly such as; Start-ups, Skilled based Education. Digital India, Made in India, Taxation issues, Infrastructure, Agriculture, IT, Insurance, Job creations, Real Estate, and Security or Defence.

The Present Scenario is quite good and not good as to keep economy balance. The Falling crude oil prices are indeed good sign for the Indian economy but in other side the Agricultural growth having collapsed to less than 0.5% in the first two years due to La Nina climatic Phenomenon. This is something our country can't afford much longer because more than half of India's Population lives on Agriculture. We hope and pray that rains are normal this year and as well govt. will do some positive announcement in the favour of farmers who lost their crops due to natural calamities that will help to build up good relations between Govt. and farmers and that can help India to brace the emergency situation with a strong growth.

In Term of Budgetary allocation for Skill Based Education, we are among the lowest-which is really sad for developing country. The current demography of India, with its young Population one in every three graduates up to the age of 29 is unemployed according to a Labour Ministry report, it is an alarming sign because these are unable to become part of the growing middle class. Here major Focus on Skill based Education, not only Higher Education. India doesn't need any further higher institutions as yet; what it needs are the refurbishment of existing facilities that will helpful to create more Jobs among students.
The Budget Announcement must be more focus centric based in favour of Startups, Make in India and Digital India. As the Govt. is already given the final touches to its start-up policy but it can be more helpful to give start-ups an initial relaxation from taxes for one year. This will boost the confidence among investors. While the govt. has made successful "Make in India" its signature campaign, which should be highlighted more in every manufacturing industry. As well should have to focus on Digital India. recent threatening as we see with Kerala, JNU, Indian Forces as well as the Orissa govt. coming under cyber-attack. The government should allocate a specific amount in budget to work safe and confidentially.
India is standing out as a beacon of growth and stability in an otherwise troubled global outlook.  Rebate on Taxation should be allowed to encompass the entire tax payer class and not to be restricted to the salaried class only. The benefit of Tax rebel on Health care insurance and home loan. 

The budget should not fight shy of making sizable allocations for Infrastructure development such as ''RURBAN'' (Urban and Rural divide and infrastructure) project because it will help to make India's vibrant economy.

 Finally Hoping 2016-17 Union Budget will be good in terms of People friendly and Economy friendly.  

Monday, 20 July 2015

The Dreams of Indian People

Recent Opinion of BJP president Amit shah’s notion; The Dream of Making India ‘’Vishwa Guru’’ will take another 25 years to restore India’s ancient glory and world number one status. But Today Indians are not going to wait for another 25 years because now Indians are start learning smart to take any such steps.

 Gone of the Day when India is viewed as a third world Country. India is evolving and not just in one aspect. It is evolving kaleidoscopically –from the female empowerment to economically, to environment, to Political Diplomat relations, to Defence strategy and many more. .
Many of them heard about the American Dream. It promises equal opportunities and the chance for everyone to prosper through hard work. It is meant to be inclusive. Recently Chinese president XI Jinping declared that China has an inspirational and thoughtful dream. The Chinese Dream, no one quite knows what the actually China dream means. At the very least it seems to embody the Idea that will be the Number One Power in Asian stability and as well on earth. No other countries can take-off china in the future.

If Every Country has their Dreams then why not India should have their own Dreams? Today India’s keenly surging ahead in the world Map and no doubt if the whole world will start saying 21st Century will be India’s glory. India had a dream before 1947 that dream was to become an independent Country and it came true but today its dream all about a modernization and happier country.

Most of the Developed and developing Countries are start looking India in very different prospective views. Many foreigners have been coming to India for years and now it’s increases in numbers for a better lifestyles - be it spiritual, mental or Physical.  This is not only a Positive signal for us but also a golden opportunities to take back all our past glorious monuments. 

While I was sitting in a Park, I have seen some youths like our age groups are talking about Indians dream and its glory. I was so surprised to see that Today’s youths are more conscious about to know India’s Future and its glory.  I was listening very carefully each one of thoughts and finally it gave me more confidence to explore my views about The Indians Dream.

India is Chaotic and Frustrating and very flawed, but the Potential is to succeed is for greater than its chances of failure. The Word ‘’Dream’’ captures the imagination, but frankly what we’re talking about is a vision that is grounded in reality, something actionable. Any National dream can be success more on ground when equality of its heart, Equality in terms of Gender, Age, Economic class, social caste and occupation will be no more differences and without this a dream of any nation cannot be national in scope.

As Indians dreamed of a modern digitalised India, a middle Income India, a happy and Swatch (Clean) India, A hygienic and most respectable India and finally but not the least ‘’Make in India’’. A very way step projected by our Hon'ble PM’s of India (Shri Narendra Modi). This all things where every Indians want to see in reality.

A valuable step via Indian government for the first time in Indian history. Indians all dream of being educated and this is the greatest hope of India.  Indians want more Freedom and modernization in both personal and social life. More Freedom in terms of more openness in our political and administrative systems. It should be more inspirational and thoughtful. Systems need to be in place for it to be attainable. The Majority has to have equal access to basic necessities like Food, Shelter, Healthcare, Education, employment and the Law. Modernization in terms of research and as well more focus on skills development.  

After all, it is now tie to lay the red carpet for the Indian dreams in reality. 

Sunday, 7 June 2015

The Happiness Treatment.....Be a Hope for others

  Life is Like a Photography. You have to look for the light and embrace it to get a picture perfect result – an anonymous. We should have to be more focus on the issue instead of baseless activity because our mind never stands on one Place.

Most of the time mind goes in negative and we feel much enjoyments in negative instead of Positive thoughts. Life is not a joke but it is a reality. You have to see as an opportunity or just pass it out. Enjoy every moment in an easy way. Think every moment as a dream and Try it out to fulfill in a reality.

Charlie Chaplin said that Life laughs at you when you are unhappy, Life smiles at you when you are happy… but, Life salutes you when you make others happy. Always try to make others life happy because it will not give you a pleasant peace but will also provide you a satisfaction.

Happiness is one of those experiences that we just know when it happens but still many of them in the world are awaiting for this experiences. If you need to think about whether you’re happy. You probably aren’t at that moment because Giving Happiness in others’ faces and getting returns in blessings are easiest way to achieve the goal.

The day when people will start realizing to give happiness in others’ lives. Helping others in a surprise manner then no one will be sad and finally again we can think about a happiness world.

We have to think the importance of our wonderful body structure and should not be forget to tell thanks to God for making such a wonderful. Why God has given Two Hands, Two Ears, and Two Eyes but have given only one Mouth. The Purpose behind is to come ahead for the good works, Listen more, be more conscious about the surrounding areas and finally talk less and do your homework.

Finally Life is a journey not a race and here there is not finished line so just enjoy it and fulfill the Happiness in others lives.
Be a Happy person !!! 

Monday, 11 May 2015

One day is not enough for Mothers love

A Mother is a devine, best friend/caretakers. Her presence makes more inspirational and comfortable in lives. She is the first one who wakes up early in the morning and last to take rest in homes.

Every Second Sunday of Month May gives us an opportunity to celebrate the Motherhood as mother’s day but we are celebrate it with each passing day as gratefulness to mother’s love need not be confined to just one day.

Showing love towards mothers for one day is not enough because mother’s loves for their kids in any conditions never culminations at all.
I am so obliged for my mom taught me:  to say please and Thank you, to be smart with time and money, to be a good friend, to be a respective person, to forgive, to read and write, to share, to laugh, to play, to get some achievements, to be confidence, to cleanup, to be balance in life, to respect others, to love unconditionally, to be more passionate about work, to be successful person and finally keep your eyes for the Goals.

If children are start giving respect to their mothers on each passing day then none of the Old age home will be built. We have to learn so many things from our Inspirational mothers because she is not only a parent but also a best teacher one in the world who has better management skills than our Moms. She knows her responsibility better than us. While she is in Office or at home or she is in some trouble but her love is pure and never-ending for her children.

Mom as a child I understand how much you love/care for me and you are the only one who is more inspirational than others in the world because what I am today’s it’s all blessing of yours only. On this auspicious day, I’ll be reflect in thankfulness-of all my achievements, degrees, victories and awards and able to say that I am your son and I miss you more than my words ever say.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Farmer’s suicide: A shameful incident for India

It’s really a shameful accident for every Indian. A Farmer’s got suicide front of large numbers of people, of the police and of the government but no one has come ahead  to save his life.
Sometimes I feel proud that India is being globally and good numbers of countries are coming to support and as well as invest here.

Sometime I also feel quite confused how this nation will go globally where on the election day large nos of Illiterate people choose the leaders and literate people just skip out to voting the right candidates and will sit on the home or enjoy going for the holiday trips with friends/families and in the meantime when some tragic incident appears only that particular moment these Intelligent Literate people start complaining about the govt. bad systems.

It’s an interesting fact about our Country, Where many politicians spend lakhs of rupees for their personal expenses on everyday basis. A Country; where world's Top richest people stay. A Country; where thousands of schemes have been running by govt. for the welfare of farmers. A country that spends billions of rupee on defense and largest arms importer. A country which sends satellite to mars. A country that successfully got achievement from various world leaders for their excellent diplomacy. A country who successfully evacuated people from Yemen without giving much effort but else we should not forget that we belong to the same country where people watch a farmer die, in front of their eyes in full view of the people, of the police and of the Government.
Yesterday’s farmer’s suicide front of large no’s of people showcase the reality of our govt. systems. How our system has been working for the welfare of needy people. Where politicians are becoming more powerful on camera rather than to work outside of the camera.

We should not forget that Farmer is one of the most important members of our society. He is the giver of food to the people, to all practical purposes. He gets up early in the morning and goes to his fields.

They are also an important part of the country’s economic growth but unfortunately when some Natural calamity arrives in that moment our responsible govt. called (Janta ka sewak) People’s servant distribute only Rs.100 and rs.75 of check for the sympathy and this is also a shameful reality that most of our farmers never know about the govt. running schemes because of lack of education and finally most of the govt. related schemes goes to our corrupt system hands rather than to distribute via raising  awareness in front of the farmers.

Finally we should not forget that farmers are our primary source of Livelihood and even today 18% of India's GDP growth depends on Agriculture and if our govt. will not give any support to farmers then imagine the India’s growth.

Jai Hind!!

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

What India hopes: Budget 2015???

The recent Delhi assembly election has shown that nobody can take people for granted in a democracy and it’s a harsh reminder to the NDA that it won the Lok Sabha on a platform of a development, Jobs, and hopes. What happens in the remaining 364 days may matter more for the economy than what is said or done on budget day.The upcoming general Budget 2015-16 is on the way and it’s the good opportunity for NDA write a new achievement and shut the mouth of all the opponents.

Approximately one month and 100 years ago; Gokhale told Gandhiji that Go see the real India and make India proud of herself again. Both are related because the real India works in informal jobs (90% of total employment) and massive job creation is the only sustainable way to make India proud of herself again.

For India, this is a well-timed and significant boon in order to boost revenues because recent Global price of petroleum oil will give India huge relief in terms of subsidies. Overall subsidies burden should be less than 2% of GDP this time around and perhaps around 1.5% for next year.

In the present scenario the entire world is looking to India because more than 65% of its Population is below 35 yrs. and by 2020, India is set to become world’s youngest country with 64 per cent of its population in the working age group and another side China is slowing down. Brazil is struggling. Russia is headed into a recession so its great time for BJP led NDA govt. to take some important actions which is helpful to surging India’s economy instead to see anywhere outside.

Today India needs more Jobs, increase productivity and competitiveness to spurts and growth. The growth in labor force in India is much higher than the growth of Jobs. According to12th Five year plans, the unorganized sector in India accounts for 90 % of the employment. The unorganized sector consists of agricultural workers in the rural areas and contract and sub-contract laborers in the urban areas. Self-employment accounts for more than 60% of the employed population of India. Casual workers, who gets jobs only at times and remain unpaid when they don’t have work, constitute 30% of the workforce, while only 10% are regular employee. Merely two-fifth of this 10% is employed in the government sector.

Instead of taking Jobs, next step India needs to focus on infrastructure. Good Infra is the need of the hour and without good quality infra is very difficult for nation to grow to its full potential. This budget’s should be more focus on to build a strong infrastructure and it will increase to raising the number of cities, smart cities. The PM’s recent statement “Make in India” plan should be used to shift the 50% of our labor force that works on farms and only generates 15% of our GDP to factories. This involves massive infrastructure commitments to roads and power and a clear roadmap for land guarantees that will blunt the need for state land acquisition.

During Lok sabha elections, one of BJP’s poll promises was to end what they called tax would be good singling if a massive simplification and rationalization of tax administration happens.

At present, India has 50 million enterprises but only 7,500 are companies with a paid-up capital of more than Rs. 10 crore. About 80% of Manufacturing is done in enterprises with less than 50 employees. The budget should be mutual cooperation between Central & state and set to be simple roadmap for GST, Tax regime and financial sector regime.

Finally Government must have to focus on employable skills among youth, only than India’s demographic divided truly take the economic graph forward. I wish to resist the temptation to celebrate India’s economic success and with hopes that this budget will be more helpful for every Citizens of India.

Friday, 19 December 2014

Once again Innocent Blood in Pakistan

A terror attack in Army public school in Peshawar (Pakistan) by Tehreek-I-Taliban Pakistan Militants has again shocked the entire world. More than 140 children have been killed by armed jihadis and many of them are suffering their lives battles from critical injuries.  

This attack is earlier similar in the 2004 Beslan massacre that saw Islamist terrorists take over a school in North Ossetia, resulting in the death of 186 children. The Peshawar incident highlighting the growing scourge of extremism in Pakistan and also exemplifies the increasing threat that people face in that country. 

After this incident Pakistan should not have to rethink but should also have to take strong action against them because these people can’t be humans but will be a complete coward. According to these people Allah send us to forward their messages on the earth but at what basis these people call himself as a creature of God (Allah) and those who will not follow the Allah (God) rules then there is no place to stay Happy. 

The whole world is asking the similar questions to terrorist. What Allah (God) tells to kill Humanity?? What messages Allah (God) has sent to you and why he has sent you to kill these innocent upcoming futures? What Allah (God) tells to take revenge in every small things?? What Allah (God) tells to kill innocent people???

Now the time has come to stand and fight but it’s really a shocking instead of taking any strong action against terrorist; some of Pakistani leaders are blaming India to this massacre attack. Think of those innocent families, who has lost their children, relatives and as well as their futures in Pakistan instead of looking at India. Why Pakistan don’t understand that India and Pakistan both share a common enemy- The Taliban. Now Both countries should have to come one place and unite together instead of making one side of comment to fight against terrorism. 

Jai Hind !!! 

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Another Independence Day

Another Independence Day is on the way with a new hope and full of excitement. Most people are preparing to travel to enjoy with their near and dear one’s because of the long weekend. Another side to this are the “Great “Politicians readying to give big promises to Aam Aadmi (Common people) on this auspicious day. If I ask you, “why we celebrate this day? “ Then the most common answer would be that we got Independence from British rule after many long years of struggle. India is obviously free and Independent now even more so on paper. 

Sixty seven years of independence doesn't necessarily make any special or a big difference to the meaning of being truly independent. We proudly claim that we are independent from a foreign rule but we are still not free! How long will it take before each and every one of our citizen’s life is guaranteed? How long will it take to beat corruption? How long will it take to save our girls?  How long will it be before our Educational system improves? How long before we build a strong and powerful nation? How much longer will it take for us to realize the real meaning of freedom?

We tend to forget that Independence is not only living freely but also allowing others to live freely.  American Historian, will Durant once said "India will teach us the tolerance and gentleness of mature mind, understanding spirit and a unifying, pacifying love for all human beings’’ but the sad reality presently is completely opposite and it looks like people are more jealous, Intolerant and feeling of hatred  towards our fellow countrymen.

Post world war –II, The world’s two largest population Asian giants got Independence.  China got Independence a little late when compared to India but if we see India’s growth, especially in the last few decades, It doesn't come anywhere in the picture of China’s rapid growth. One thing is certain: China seems to be ahead of India in all economic and human development indices and whenever China gets chances it always turns them into productive opportunities. India must learn many things from China in terms of planning and speed of execution.

World Bank statistics show that higher education enrollment is a leading indicator of economic growth. As a result, 26% of China's university-age population is enrolled in an institution of higher education, versus 18% in India. The gap is really worrying.

In India where People worships Girls as a Creation of an embodiment of Goddess but in terms of rape cases it’s position comes third. In spite of the fact that some girls don’t complain because of fear or society and family prestige still according to National crime records bureau, crime against women have increased by 7.1 Percent since 2010. Nearly one in three rape victims in India is under the age of 18, one in 10 are under 14.every 20 minutes in India, a woman is raped which is shameful and requires urgent attention and steps to address the problem. 

India is planning to go ahead in the world map but if people are not healthy then how can we expect to grow. A Healthy country plays a vital role for Improvement of the economy. According to World Health organization ranking of the world’s Health systems; India ranks 112th whereas our Neighboring countries fare better than India eg. Bangladesh comes on 88th and where Sri Lanka comes 76th.

Education is a very important sector where Govt. has to give more focus
because a good educational system can support India’s development. The System of Higher Education in India is a mixture of several stark and contradictory realities. The reality is that India’s best Universities are run by the government and what is emerging now is that India’s smartest universities are in the Private Sector. Quality is a serious problem as no Indian University, with the exception of an IIT or two even features on the global ranking of Top 100 or Top 200 Universities of the world. In an increasingly globalized market this puts India and Indians at a serious disadvantage. 

Terrorism is a big challenge for the India and according to The Global Terrorism Index India’s position comes under four which is really a very shocking for a peace loving country.

On 12th August,  Two day before Pakistan’s Independence Day, Narendra Modi’s  message to Pakistan from Ladakh (Close to Pakistan border) is a good sign to fight against Terrorism because Pakistan is the hub of terrorist activities and almost all the terrorist attacks in India are factually linked to Pakistan and their Intelligence agency ISI only. The “Proxy “war and state sponsored violence by Pakistan must stop.

Finally, we need to ensure that PM Modi should put all these important issues as top priority for the Nation when he will address us from Red Fort on 15th August 2014 and especially because Narendra Modi has been sworn-in as the Prime Minister of India with high expectations. 1.25 billion Indians are watching his every move with anticipation and hope. In most of his post-victory speeches, Modi has promised to make 21st century as India’s time to regain Her past Glory and further grow to the very top.

We are now an independent country, but we should not confuse independence with freedom. What an irony: the country is independent, but the society we live in is still not free.  Freedom, like Success, is a journey; an on-going process. There are some other sectors too where we also have to focus on for Development because for everything we can’t blame the Government. There are certain things where we must follow in our everyday routine to make a nation more comfortable and the civil society must take the lead and play a proactive role.

  Take a pledge to

  • Keep the environment clean and hygienic
  • Use water efficiently and save water via rain harvesting
  • Save Trees and Plants
  • Respect People especially Elderly, women and children and participate in their safety,
  • Be Eco Friendly.
  • Respect all Religions and Realize that God is Truly One.

If these details are attended to then we as an Indians can be sure that one day our Nation once again will become a super power in world affair and be looked at as a role model for all of humanity. 

Saturday, 16 November 2013

FICCI Report 2013 : PRINT

Print Media Industry is very powerful medium for sending information and directly reaching their audiences . Print Media Industry grew by 7.3 percent from INR 209 billion in 2011- lower than KPMG in India's expection of 8.3 percent growth last year. The high dependence on advertisement revenues resulted in the growth of print industry by poor macroeconomic performance of the country. In 2012-12,the Indian economy slowed down its growth momentum registering a growth of only 5 percent as compared to 6.2 percent in 2011-12

However 2012 witnessed some improvement is circulation revenues which increased by 7.3 percent years on year as compared to only 3.b percent in 2011. This was achieved through launch of new editions and increases in cover prices of established editions. Going forward, the industry may adopt a differentiated pricing strategy by increasing the price of established editions in nature markets while holding the prices low in case of tier II and III markets or while entering new markets.

The print Industry's dependence on advertising resulted in lower than expected growth in 2012. National advertisers revised plans although regional markets still proved to be an area of growth.

Saturday, 26 October 2013


Radio is the medium to give knowledge, entertainment with information .This medium was very helpful in the time of world war I and II and time of independence.  2012 has been a challenging year for the Indian M&E Industry. Today radio again trying to Renewed hope around the listeners . According to the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI)-KPMG Media & Entertainment  report 2013 says that radio is expected to grow at a compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 16.6 per cent over the period 2012-2017 post the roll-out of FM phase III licensing, 

The Radio Industry had a muted growth of 10 percent in CY 2011 and reached revenues of INR 12.7 billion in CY 2011. The overall of listed radio players exhibited a single digit growth rate during the entire year. The growth in industry's revenues was driven by volume improvements as prices largely stayed stagnant. In certain markets, leaders have been able to raise rates slightly but the overall trend has been to expand revenue through volume enhancement and rate rationalization.

Music sector grew by 18.1 per cent in 2012 to Rs.10.6 billion, and are further expected to rise by 16.6 per cent to reach Rs 22.5 billion in 2017. there were signs of improvement with the Indian Media and Entertainment Industry witnessing an overall growth of 12.6 per cent from R 728 billion in 2011 to Rs 820 billion in 2012 .
The utilization levels have reached nearly 100 percent during peak season in the top eight metros putting pressure on volume based growth from metros in the near future. For non-metro players too, utilization continued to be a level of growth - for example, MY FM's average inventory utilization was at 96 percent in prime time followed by non prime time in the range of 75 to 85 percent .

Radio has been waiting for too long for phase III the associated regulatory reforms. After a challenging year in 2012, there is now renewed hope that in 2013 .

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Television: FICCI 2013

Television is the largest medium for media delivery in india in terms of revenue , representing around 45 percent of total media industry. media and entertainment sector has been growing 11.8 percent to Rs 91,700, in compare against last year Rs 82,000 , owing to digitisation,growing regional media and the coming elections.

India counties to be third largest TV market after USA and China .In the Television sectors , KPMG believes that digitisation of cable is expected to bring transparency and raise subscription revenues for multi-system operators (MSOs) and broadcasters ."it is also expected to reduce carriage fees, building a cause of launch of niche channels and investment of content  for existing channels, Developments and refinements in viewership measurement systems may affect the way advertising is distributed among channels. 

The television industry in india  is estimated at INR 370 billion in 2012, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18 percent over 2012-17, to reach INR 848 billion in 2017. Aided by digitisation and the consequent increase in ARPUs (Average Revenue per users), the share of subscription revenue of the total revenue is expected to increase from 66 percent in 2012 to 72 percent in 2017. 

The industry will likely see its revenues from subscriptions go up leading to stability of earnings. It is extremely important for digitization to be carried through in order to ensure the long term health of the industry.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

How social media helped to Julian assange

Today social media is a useful tool (or part of a toolkit) in fighting corruption Mismanagement and other issue because most of the media channels are paid of one political party so they don’t want to expose anything wrong against particular party or Person. The struggle between power and powerlessness is the struggle to know to prevent others from knowing.
                                     Social media is at the heart of this struggle in the 21st century .Through the help of social media many mass campaigning has been created and finally government has taken their steps back. The use of social media (Internet, email, Chat rooms, blogs, twitter feed, Facebook and pinterest in recent years have demonstrated social exchange. Last 3 to 4 years social media has gained mass public support for Illegal work in the world. 
                            Julian assange , A person who has challenged the world government .He is also known as the editor-in-chief and founder of WikiLeaks , which publishes submissions of secret information .He has leaked many secret files of the government and publically published in the social media.
When social media was not so much popular that time Julian assange has leaked Sweden government official documents and shared every documents publicly in the social media. 
Assange isn’t entirely venal. His problem is noble cause corruption; behavior he’d rightly condemn in others, he excuses in himself, because he believes, at his core, he is the good person.

Julian assange is particularly keen at exposing others’ while keeping his out of public scrutiny. He always tries to connect with people through the help of social media because he knows very well mass support can be gained through the help of social media .  

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Nation has only Hope : Narendra Modi

Finally modij has nominated as PM’s Candidate from BJP Party. This is first time ever in the history of INDIA; The Prime Minister candidate is appointed directly by the common people for the nation’s development. Completely based on the merits, the results and the development. NOT someone from the Dynasty Politics & Not elected/selected by other corrupt politicians for their personal benefits .This is the great time for Modi supporters and fans for new style of celebration because this isn't the actual BJP party nomination but this are the nomination of Aam Admi (common people) raising Voices.

Modi is not dreaming to become PM but people want him to be PM .Advani is dreaming of being PM but people don’t want him to be PM. This is the real problem.  But after overall drama finally BJP has given a great leader for this nation. We as Indian should be appreciated to BJP party for decision.

Now every supporters/fans should have to work for Modiji 272+ seats then we can get real happiness in the country.  We have given  chances to congress party from last 60 years to run country but still we people are struggling or fighting for own RIGHTS , Price inflations , Falling Rupees ,  Real Freedom , security  , Rape ,corruptions ,Black money Education and etc  . 
Today as country we don’t have required a politician but we required a good administration who can represent our country in the well manner So, This is the great time to people to come and give one chance for Modi  . if people just hang onto past and doesn't let modi to be on the driving set than it would be the misfortune of this nation that they missed an opportunity just because they don't want to see strong leader .
Modiji , He is the person who comes from small family backward  caste background and when he was young that time he was selling tea  with his father in the railway station of Gujarat . No one could understand one day this boy would be nominated for PM from BJP Party.

There are many reasons to choose modiji as Futuristic PM of country because he has seen people problem very closely and he has great visionary IDEA’s, how to solve and fight for this problems?????  The great evidence of Modiji work in Gujarat .No riots from last 10 years and every community people are living safe. In today’s Politics through the modiji style of work, Politics becoming completely change. He has made politics with different manner and styles. That’s the result many of the politicians trying to follow up Modi’s style of work.  

Modiji is the symbol of development, good governance and an honest leader .He doesn't believe in bad politics. According to him Law is for everyone and everyone should have to respect this law.

So humble request to everyone please come, join and raise your voice and start campaigning for Modiji Vision for New India . Give vote to BJP for (Modiji) and also tell to your relatives/friends and other community to come once and see the changing the real India in the presence of Modiji Leadership.

                                     Jai Hind! Jai Bharat! 

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Why I Prefer to choose Reebok Brand

In the Market there are many of Branding companies and every people prefer to choose their own Brand. But sometimes it makes great confusion among the people to choose one because of different branding companies is increasing day by day.

According to me I prefer to like Reebok brand because of this brand gives me an extra satisfaction when I wear the T-shirts, Shoes, glasses, Jacket etc. . I would rate at least 99 % for the Reebok Brand Jacket and Shoes because of self-satisfaction .Reebok footwear is providing top quality running shoes. 

 The brand is keeping up with the most desired designs and also incorporating new technologies to creating footwear for people.  Reebok generates shoes and other manufactures for enthusiastic individuals, whom love comfort and ease plus can find their Products within their budget.

The logo of the reebok company tells something about secret Life changer that indicates customer to buy once. Shoes are more comfortable and most stylish. Reebok is identified by its exclusive design or symbol, but reebok differs from other brands in its design, style and quality of their products .The Logo of the Reebok indicates about the performance (do better). The uniqueness, stylish, comfort ability and easily availability of their product encourages and attracts to choose Reebok as their prestigious brand.

Monday, 9 September 2013

FICCI 2013 Report on Media & Entertainment (M&E) Industry

2012 has been a dynamic year for the Indian Media & Entertainment (M&E) Industry – A Year in which the transformation of the Industry began to take hold .The long promised Digital ecosystem began to Impact various segments. Film saw benefits from digital distribution with wide releases and early capture the revenue.

The Indian M&E Industry grew from INR 720 Billion in 2011 to INR 821 Billion in 2012 , registering an overall growth 12.6 percent . Recently policy measures taken by the government can pave the wave for gradual recovery for the Indian economy, with some Improvement also likely in the global economy in 2013 .

The prognosis for the Indian economy looks somewhat better and real GDP growth is expected to be in the range of 6.1 to 6.7 percent 2013- 146.  Growth of regional media. Upcoming elections strength in the film sector and fast increasing new media businesses, the industry is estimated to achieve a growth rate of 11.8 percent in 2013 to touch INR 917 billion .The sector is projected at a healthy CAGR of 15.2 percent in 2013 to reach INR 1661 billion by 2017  .

The rapid increase in mobile and wireless connections continues to drive the growths of interact penetration in India ,With better access , through cheaper and smarter devices , audiences (especially the youth) are consuming more content and are getting increasingly engaged .

Advertisers continue to see higher growth in consumption from key regional markets .Hence regional media continues on a strong growth trajectory , especially in the print and television sectors .

Key media players are focusing on cherry picking acquisitions and expanding their presence in regional markets based on higher rates of advertising revenue growth , and better insulation from the slowdown than in metros , which may be close to saturation in many cases .

Monday, 4 March 2013

Life comes from Life

Life is experience , experience in relationship . It is very uncertain . Before it takes you away , realize it is a dream , a burden or a joke . Life is all about your style of working activity .it’s all depends upon yours belonging, attitude, Behaviour and posing style and communication in front of someone. When you do something extra then people more expects from you and hopes from next time will get better one response.

Success is like your own shadow. If you try to catch it you will never succeed. Ignore it and it will follow you. Why is there so much stress in life? It’s because we focus too much on improving our lifestyle rather than our life. An American writer’s Nora Roberts once said that if you don't go after what you want , you'll never have it .if you don't ask , the answer is always no , if you don't step forward , you are always in the same place .

 Everyone is pain in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later. Every people life comes many opportunities to get success but we only get very few opportunities because of our concentrations, Conditions of work and situations and wrong information’s but every opportunity gives us a golden chance to do something extras for next target. Don't choose the one, who is beautiful, choose the one who makes you world beautiful.

The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are.... The second greatest is being happy with what we find. Stanley Victor Paskavich said that "My mind is like a Zoo with no cages... Watch where you step. If eggs is broken by outside force; life ends, if broken by inside force; life begins. So great things always begins from inside. Life is full of beauty, notice it. Smell the rain and feeling the wind live your life to the fullest potential and Start fight for your dream. 
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Saturday, 20 October 2012

“Life is beautiful ,just feel it and live it to fullest”

Life moves by dual factors – inner tendency and outer influences. Small actions can make big difference
in your and others life. Small actions like helping the person who is in need, appreciating others efforts. These small doings indicates about our maturity in Life.
                Life is also just like as an open air ,How much space you will give to developed mind set it will be more develop .suppose you are a friendly mind person and you can’t survive your life any day without meeting and talking people and walk in the park or market .Imagine that you have got a chance to live in single room and provided everything you need in your daily Life but you have to live alone for 15 days without an open sky environment and without  talking anyone .Will you be comfortable in that situation ? No, definitely no, none will; because when you live in close environment then your thinking is restricted to a limit .We don’t feel Free and our thinking ability decreases.

                                                                                        Look at a bird, whose is in customarily kept in a cage . when you try to bring the bird out from the cage ,then the bird scare and doesn’t come out from cage and goes back but when you try more than one n two times, then  Bird also tries to come out from Cage ,when he comes out to cage , it will not fly immediately since it starts thinking cage its home ,it doesn’t know about freedom .when it is left out of cage ,it comes to know about the World and what the Freedom is, once it come to know about the world it never come to the same place. Because then it comes to know the value of an open environment.
                                                                                                                       It’s very easy to say “BUSY” when someone Needs you ….but it’s very painful to Hear “BUSY” when you need someone .Albert Einstein told that our problems can’t be solved by the same level of thinking that created then . Is there a division between thinker and the thought? so long as they are separate ,divided ,our efforts is wasted ;we are pursuing a false process which is destructive and which is the deteriorating factor .we think thinker is separate from his thought when I find that I am greedy ,possessive ,brutal ,I think I should not be all this .
                                                                                                                                   In life when we live happily, we do every work, what we want to do with more enthusiasm and time goes too fast .In an Art Shop who will be more Happy to see an art ? Viewers or, shopkeeper. Shopkeeper thinks of selling an art in much more price,He has no interest in how beautiful the Art is. His eyes looks for those people ,who would buy in much more price instead of those who appreciates that art.  By Chanakya Before you starting some work; always ask yourself three questions ,
·         Why I am doing it .
·         What the results might be and
·         Will I be successful .
Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions ,go ahead .

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Life always becomes Change with time:-

We always  work ,read , play ,smile ,cry ,write and do many activities in our lives  but  our main aim is to achieve something  in Life .In this world every people feels all those experience in their lives after they get success . It is too right that when you start something in life then nobody comes ahead for Help, but when you start getting success in your work, that time everyone starts supporting you.
                                                         Everyday every people has 24 hours’ time to work in their lives but some of them  waste their time in the negative doings and some of them waste their time in the positive sense ,so negative thinking people doesn’t achieve much compared to  positive thinking people .God has a reason for allowing things to happen…we may never  understands his wisdom but we simply have to trust his will .everything in life is temporary ,so if things are going good ,enjoy it because it won’t last forever and if things are going bad ,don’t worry ,it can’t last forever either .
                                                                                        Most of the people leave their Business ,Work or ,confidence when they  start getting  problems , they lose their patience and they don’t even think ,what they can achieve in future and they can go long way ,so in this situation some of them take themselves as losers  and they commit suicide, that is not the solution to the problems .we should be always ready to face bad times in Life. It is well said by Malcolm Forbes that “Failure is SUCCESS, if we learn from it”.
                                                                                     Think about those moments of the life when you got successes in the life, feel and remembered the Positive Energy of that time, then you will get that really life always changes with time and understand that The Good times and the bad times are like two faces of coin. A normal person prays to god “don’t “give me problems” but a great person prays to god, “Give me the power to face my problems. Osho said the World’s Biggest Disease is that “what people will think? “ In life do whatever you what to do; don’t think about what people will speak about you behind your back because People will always talk about you even if you don’t do anything in the life. Hard work is cup of milk, luck is just like a spoon of sugar, god always gives you sugar to those who have a cup of Milk.
                                                                                                                                                       In the Life sometimes moment come when you get nervousness, sadness and everything against you, in those situations you don’t feel good and at that time negative thinking start coming in the mind. Why is it happens ? because your thinking ability is only for any particular situation, where you always want that everything should happen in favor of me .so it is not possible all the time .because time always change in a new directions when you will not run with time ,then you will never reach to place you thinking to be .
                                                                                            Even every mistake is a gift if you learn from it .Have you ever seen a baby learnt to walk without falling down? No, you never will either .Mistakes are a part of the process we call success . Bill gates told that to be a professional Engineer, always start to study late for exams because it teaches you how to manage time and tackle emergencies. 

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

what you want to change your life ?

what you want to change your life ? yes ,everyone will tell but we don't think that How it should be change and what I can change in the life .now you are thinking that about the purpose of life .  everyone knows that life is just like as a game  it's depends upon your Prospective Means  How you Control and Manage . Life doesn't tell what are you going to do but your Inner energy or ,your mind suggests that at first think about that issues where are you going to do and what you want from this activity . 

                                                                                              Life never comes again and again ,it's represents and tells to everyone you are the real person in the whole entire world ,you have ability ,power ,one of the big creative thinking mind ,Believe ,faith and etc . .But why to don't think about this ? most of the people doesn't want to take risk and go ahead because of lacks of confidence and negative thinking ability .they don't believe in own self and ability of the power .you always think about own prospective view what i am going to do everything will be right and never think about any negative view about that particular issues where are you going to fight .

                             Life is like a movie ....... if you are sad -drama ,if you are afraid -suspense ,if you are angry action .almost every mistakes is a gift if you learn from it ,  even see a baby learn to walk without falling down ? No ,you never will either .Mistakes are a part of the process we call success .Life is not a fairytale  but a gripping tome .it contains tragedy ,comedy ,drama ,mystery and above all life lessons for people loving it .Mother Teresa told that Not all of us can do great things in the life ,but we can do small things with great love .

 Life always wants to change something and it's the process of going to next to next step in every situations of the way . .the things of the mind ,the things of the hand and of the machine ,have important ; and when things become important ,belief becomes predominantly significant -which is exactly what is happening in the world ,is it not ? look at your own life and you will see that our living is always on the border of the sorrow .

                                                                                                                 don't think about another people what they are doing and how much time they spend on the work ,on the duty ,on the meeting or on the ......etc , look at first own self and check what i do and what i gained .and think about own life what i do wrong ?what i did wrong ? or , why it will wrong ? when you will be get answer of that type of questions then i can tell sure that from next time you will not try to do any mistakes in the life and always will thinks about to go ahead in right directions .
                                    Dr ,Abdul Kalam Told that if you salute your duty ,you need not salute anybody ,but if you pollute your duty ,you have to salute every body .. so ,


Story of An Ordinary Women Becomes Health Advisor

 Life is a continuous process where you learn and (un)learn things together. Whatever the situation, just do it accordingly. Sometimes, it i...